Germany was amazing
We spent the 1st day in frankfurt jet lagged and confused
We found a nice place to ditch the bags in the woods
Seen the town
Came back to the bags and slept
woke up around 5 pm
took the next train to Munich
(I fucking HATE my macbook's bat for dying and not saving the up to day 7 I wrote)
Slept in a hostel in Munich
Woke up early for hostel breakfast day 2
Took the next train to Leandra's town
Seen the town
Seen the sweet play parks
Broke into this sweet factory

Ran across the autobahn
Ate at Leandra's moms
Spent the night out on the town
Woke up and ate day 3
Headed to the Viking fest
Spent the day being a viking
Headed back to Leandra's house without the crew( planned on meeting them in Amsterdam on day 6)

Spent time with Leandra
Seen some odd nightclubs
Went to bed super late
Woke up day 4
Plans broke hard
I just left to go back to the viking fest
Didn't have a day 2 ticket for anything
had to play sneaky
played sneaky into the sleeping hall & show
Looked for zaq & Ian for the next 4hrs
Gave up
Seen Ian
We both couldn't find Zaq
We ask around but noone speaks English
We give up looking around 5am
Sleep till 8am
Start day 5 without having any idea where Zaq was
We go to turn him in as missing
He was arrested 20hrs ago
It's NEVER o.k to call cops nazis